Drinking Sufficient Water is Critical to your HealthEven if you drink a lot of tea, coffee, juice or whatever other liquids, it is not good enough; your body needs water!

Drinking water is not just necessary to quench your thirst; it is vital to your body and it is actually a nutrient which your body needs for growth, development, and overall health. Your blood is 82% water; your lungs are 89% water, and your brain is approximately 95% water.

Drinking water is important for your skin, the largest organ in your body, as it keeps it moisturised, plump and wrinkle-free; it is also important for your digestive system, as it helps you to metabolise your food, prevents constipation and transports vital nutrients throughout your body. It also keeps your colon in good working order and makes it easy to excrete waste products and toxins.

Drinking water regularly is also vital for your joints, which secrete a viscid lubricating fluid called synovial fluid that lubricates your joints, helping them to move freely as well as protects them from injury. This is especially important to athletes and bodybuilders, who place great strain on their joints during exercise.

While most of us think that we get energy only from the food that we eat, we also get our energy from drinking water, as water is the medium within which all energy reactions in the body take place. Water is vital for nutrient absorption, and can also help with weight-loss.

Maintaining the correct balance of water in your body is so important that a mere 2% drop in the amount of water in your body can cause reduced endurance, cognitive problems, impaired neuromuscular coordination, decreased concentration, impaired muscular response, muscular cramping, and decreased strength.

Drinking water is also vital to maintain your core body temperature, as sweating is the way your body cools itself down. As much as drinking water is vital to your health, it is also critical that the water that you do drink is pure, so investing in a water cooler with a good filter is a good idea.