Getting your drinking water from a water cooler is far healthier than drinking tap water according to scientists, because it is healthy to drink chilled water and water from a water cooler that is fitted with a good filter is also completely toxin-free.

An office water cooler makes filtered drinking water far more accessible to more people, and many of the office water coolers these days also offer ambient and hot water options.

Drinking chilled water-cooler water is healthy for you because:

Exercise: Various studies have shown that those who drink chilled water prior to exercising were able to exercise for 25% longer than those that drank ordinary tap water. Core body temperature becomes elevated during exercise and sweating cools us down, but this results in a loss of both electrolytes and water. Drinking cold water therefore helps cool the body down and rehydrates one at the same time.

In one study, researchers found that participants who consumed cold water during exercise were also able to keep their core temperature down 50% longer than those who consumed room temperature water.

Fever: Keeping hydrated while in the throes of a fever is vital because the body is working hard to get rid of whatever foreign invaders may be causing you harm, resulting in over-heating and major water loss. Drinking chilled water can therefore help keep you cool and prevent major water and electrolyte loss. Adding a bit of lemon or a pinch of salt to the water will help replenish lost electrolytes.

Hydration: Drinking chilled water from a water cooler will rehydrate you quicker because the body absorbs chilled water quicker and more easily.

Taste: Drinking chilled water from a water cooler tastes better and seems to slake one’s thirst more, which is why we find that more people will drink water more regularly from a water cooler than will drink tap water.

Weight Loss: Drinking chilled water from the water cooler boosts the metabolism, which helps burn an additional 70 calories per day, and it fills you up too, which is why it is such a great weight-loss method.