Drinking Water and Your Energy LevelsHuman bodies consist of approximately 70% water, but because the human body cannot store water and we lose water constantly via urination, breathing, and sweating, we need to drink water constantly to replace that which we have lost.

Water is not only something that keeps us hydrated and cool though; it is also the main source of energy for our body. Feeling thirsty means that our energy levels are getting depleted, which is why it is not the best idea to wait until we are thirsty before drinking water; to do so is like waiting until the petrol tank in your car runs dry before filling up again.

Drinking water regularly throughout the day will ensure that you remain fully hydrated at all times. A study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences among others many years ago brought us the philosophy of water being an energy source and thirst being the first sign of flagging energy.

Actually, by the time we realise that we are thirsty, we are already around 3% dehydrated. This is why we must ensure that we drink a glass of refreshing water every few hours even if we do not feel thirsty; if we are exercising or doing physical work we need to drink water more often.

The older we get the less we actually feels the sensation of being thirsty, and by 70 years of age one can be totally oblivious to the sensations of thirst, which is why older people can get dehydrated so quickly. Dehydration, especially in the elderly, can lead to various negative health connotations and even death. Sometimes, even if water is available, the elderly do not drink it because they do not feel thirsty, which is why they need to be watched for signs of dehydration.

Drink water regularly throughout the day in order to maintain your hydration levels. The best way to ensure that you are drinking pure, toxin-free water is to invest in a water cooler with a really good water filter.