What Has Drinking Water Got To Do With My Brain Health?The importance of always being fully hydrated is extremely important to optimal brain function because your brain is around 85% water. When there is a dearth of water in the brain, it can severely hamper your thought process and have a negative impact on various neurological functions.

Dehydration can affect your visuomotor functions, psychomotor functions, and short-term memory, which can result in a lack of concentration, delirium, hallucinations, an inability to think or speak coherently, extreme confusion, impaired hand-eye coordination, disorientation, and an inability to focus on a computer screen or reading a book.

While the amount of water in our bodies is around 70%, we have to work hard to keep that balance because the body cannot store water and we are losing water throughout the day via urination, perspiration, and even just breathing, amongst other normal bodily functions.

This means that we need to drink water regularly throughout the day in order to maintain a healthy balance. Whether you are a desk-jockey or an athlete, and whether it is cool outside or extremely hot, you need to drink water; the only difference is that you may need to drink more if you are losing more via sweating.

While most of us drink copious amounts of tea and coffee, and perhaps even some carbonated drinks or fruit juices throughout the day, we need to ensure that we also drink plain water because some of those drinks contain too much sugar and others are diuretics, which means that they make us urinate more and therefore lose more fluid.

Apart from drinking water, we can also get around 20% of our daily water needs from eating water-rich fruit and vegetables such as like oranges, watermelons, berries, apples, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes.

If you are not drinking water because you hate the taste of tap water, think about investing in a water cooler that has a good filter attached and can provide you with chilled, great-tasting water 24/7.

Rent office water cooler or buy water cooler from Living-Water.