Most of us think that we only need to drink water to slake our thirst, but the truth is that drinking water is needed for each and every cell in your body and for virtually every bodily function. The truth is that human beings cannot survive without drinking water on a regular basis.

Been feeling as though you lack energy lately? That may be because you have not been drinking sufficient water. You see, drinking water is critical to your energy levels as it is the main source of energy for your body.

Dehydration leads to fatigue, and fatigue affects your bodily functions, so drinking water will hydrate you and thereby make you feel more awake and alert. Drinking water is also necessary in order to make your digestive system work properly so that your body can convert the food and body fat into energy.

Water is also one of the essential nutrients, which are nutrients that the body cannot synthesise on its own, necessary for the body to function properly; it helps to maintain homeostasis in the body and transport nutrients to the cells.

Drinking water helps your entire body function better; it serves as the body’s transportation system, regulates the body’s core temperature, and also assists in removing waste products from the body. Water also composes 75% of our muscle tissue so is therefore vital to the proper functioning of your muscles.

The human brain is about 95% water, so drinking water helps you think, focus and concentrate better. It also helps you to better perform difficult mathematical calculations.

If you do not like the taste of water, try adding a squeeze of lime, a slice of lemon, cucumber or orange or a few sprigs of fresh mint, a few berries or some watermelon.

While we can get some of our daily liquid requirement from water-rich fruit and vegetables, the majority of it needs to come from drinking water.

Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers from Living-Water.