Did you know that your body is made up of around 70% water, but that it cannot store water, which is why you need to constantly drink water throughout the day in order to maintain that balance?

Even though you may drink water in the morning, you cannot just leave it at that – you lose water constantly throughout the day in the form of sweat, urine, coughing, sneezing, and, believe it or not, breathing. This water needs to be constantly replaced, which is why you need to drink water during the day even if you do drink tea, coffee or other liquids.

Every cell and organ in the human body has water in it and needs water to exist: your blood is 83% water; your muscles are 75% water; your bones are 22% of water; and your brain is 90% water. If there is too little water in your body it will not be able to function at its best:

Drinking water helps your body absorb nutrients, moisturises and protects your joints, transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells in your body, protects your vital organs, helps with your metabolism, regulates your core body temperature, and removes toxins from your body.

Drinking Water @ Work is Crucial because:

  • Drinking water throughout the day ensures that your immune system is strong enough to help your body fight off infections;
  • It promotes urination, which aids the body to get rid of toxins and prevents kidney stones from forming;
  • Water is critical to the transportation of oxygen to all the cells in your body; dehydration will result in your body being starved of oxygen, your heart taking strain and fatigue setting in;
  • A mere 2% dehydration will lead to diminished cognitive ability, difficulty with mathematical problems, and impaired visual perception and reasoning.

If you do not like the taste of tap water, impress on your boss the benefits of investing in a water cooler for the office. Water coolers improve the health of all staff, which also positively impacts the company’s bottom line.