Dehydration means that your body is using and losing more water than you are drinking on a regular basis. This can lead to many problems such as dry mouth, headaches, exhaustion, dizziness, dark urine, energy loss allergy, asthma, insomnia, constipation, migraines, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure and much more.

Dehydration can also lead to an imbalance in the body’s electrolytes, including potassium, phosphate, and sodium, which help carry electrical signals between cells. Electrolyte levels in the body are kept stable by properly functioning kidneys, and this requires that there always be sufficient water in the body.

When you do not drink sufficient water and the kidneys cannot maintain the balance in the levels of electrolytes, those electrical signals become mixed up; this can lead to seizures, involving involuntary muscle movements and even loss of consciousness.

In severe cases, dehydration can also result in kidney failure, a potentially life-threatening outcome. Possible complications of chronic kidney failure include anaemia, damage to the central nervous system, heart failure, and a compromised immune system.

Dehydration also affects other organs and cells in the body, causing minor health problems that can lead to major ones if not resolved:

  • Blood is more than 90% water; dehydration will make the blood thicken, thereby increasing the blood pressure;
  • Cartilage in your joints and the disks of your spine contain around 80% water. Untreated dehydration can cause your joints to become dry and not able to absorb shock as much leasing to joint pain;
  • Dehydration can affect your brain structure and function, resulting in impaired cognitive ability;
  • The bowel needs water to function optimally, and dehydration can lead to digestive problems and constipation;
  • Dehydration can also lead to an overly acidic stomach which can result in heartburn and encourage the development of stomach ulcers;
  • The largest organ in the body, the skin, can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkling; and
  • Your airways become restricted when dehydrated as a result of your body attempting to minimise water loss, potentially making asthma and allergies worse.

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