Help! I Hate Drinking Water Drinking water is essential to keep our bodies hydrated, healthy and working properly. We lose water throughout the day, and as our bodies cannot store water we need to drink water on a regular basis in order to maintain the around 70% water it needs.

An excellent way to ensure that you drink water throughout the day is to get an office water cooler. There are bottled office water coolers and mains office water coolers. Bottled water coolers are best-suited to a smaller office and mains water coolers are suited to any size office.

Once you have made up your mind to get a water cooler you will be surprised at how different you will feel about drinking water because it tastes nothing like tap water; it is cooler, fresher and contains no pollutants to make it smell funny.

There are various other ways in which you can make your drinking water taste better, such as:

  • Adding some lemon or lime to the water
  • Adding some cranberry juice to a jug or glass of water to sweeten it slightly; cranberries are good also very healthy for you
  • For something different and refreshing, try adding a couple of drops of rose water to your glass
  • Crush up some fresh basil leaves and let them steep in a jug of water for a lovely aromatic drink
  • Use chilled water from your water cooler to make a nice healthy glass of iced green tea
  • Squeeze some oranges or clementine into ice trays and put the trays into the freezer then use the ice cubes to chill and flavour your desk jug of drinking water, which tends to become a bit warm after an hour or two on the desk
  • A few slices of cucumber in your drinking water will add a healthy zing
  • Fresh mint leaves in your chilled drinking water will leave your mouth feeling fresh and tingly
  • Pineapple chunks in your drinking water will give it a lovely Caribbean twist
  • Pour yourself a nice tall glass of chilled water from your office cooler and add some crushed berries then let them infuse the water for a nice healthy, tasty drink

Make sure that you drink water throughout the day to remain hydrated and in the peak of health, starting with a nice big glass in the morning and ending off with a glass last thing at night.