How to Save Water at your BusinessEven if you have a small business such as a restaurant or pub, you can be assured that water is being wasted and costing you money.

Even though the cost of water may seem relatively low in comparison to other costs such as gas or electricity, you can save around a substantial amount of money annually by making a few small changes to address water usage.

How to Save Water at your Business

Apart from conserving water, which we all need to do in the face of looming global water shortages within the next decade or two, who doesn’t want to save money wherever one can?

Doing a bit of investigating will quickly show you where your business uses the most water and where you can save:

  • Toilets use between 6 and 13 litres of water per flush; just think how many times your toilets are flushed, especially in your peak periods;
  • Water is required in order to maintain a hygienic environment for your customers; you need water to clean the floors, wash dishes, clean counter, beer lines and tables, and rinse food during preparation, as well as to cook with – that is a LOT of water!
  • Washing machines used to wash tablecloths, serviette, cloths and uniforms can use up to 50 litres of water per load.
  • Dishwashing machines use a lot of water.
  • A running or leaking tap can waste between 8 and 12 litres of water per minute.
  • Keeping your garden appealing with irrigation can take up to 9 litres of water per minute

Here are some innovative ideas that help you save water and money in your business:

  • Install low-flush toilets or place a brick in the cistern of each toilet – this can save you approximately 50% per flush;
  • Make sure that all food is rinsed in a bowl instead of under a running tap, and that water is not wasted but recycled into the garden where possible;
  • Make sure that you only do full loads of washing, and that the dishwasher is not switched on for just a few plates or glasses but is only used when full.
  • Fixing all leaking taps and installing simple efficiency devices can save up to 50%
  • Install rain-barrels and direct gutter water to them and use recycled water where possible to keep your gardens and lawns looking great and lush.

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