Kick the smoking habit with H²ONicotine is one of the most addictive legal substances in the world. Millions become addicted every year. Start kicking the habit by flushing out this harmful toxin once and for all by only drinking water.

Inhaling cigarette smoke causes nicotine to enter the body. The smoke reaches your lungs and gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Like oxygen, it gets distributed throughout the body. This toxic substance will be metabolized by your kidneys. The nicotine gets flushed through your liver and released through your urine. Each cigarette contains about 1-2mg nicotine.

Because a big amount of nicotine is being flushed out through the urine, it often leads to heavy smoking. It takes 6-8 hours to get one full cigarette out of your body, for heavy smokers it takes much longer, since there is far more nicotine for your body to get rid of. Once you quit smoking all nicotine should have left your body within 48-72 hours.

Like any other substance that enters your body, nicotine must be metabolized first. In order to get it out faster, we need to increase our metabolism. Starting an exercise routine, increases our heart rate, this leads to increased metabolism. Drink plenty of water; this increases metabolism as well as flushing out toxins. Nicotine is water soluble and like any other toxins, can only get flushed out of our bodies through water e.g. urine, sweat, etc. it might mean more frequent trips to the bathroom, but in the end, this will prove to be a good thing.

For employers wishing to cut down on there employees smoke breaks, now will be a good time to invest in a water cooler. The refreshing taste of the water will make you forget all about the nicotine craving and help you kick the habit of smoking quicker. Contact Living-Water today, we have fast, friendly, efficient staff that will assist you with all your water cooler queries.

Buy water coolers online and rent water coolers from Living-Water in London.