Water is necessary for human health. Your body is between 60% and 70% water, and this balance needs to be maintained in order for your body and brain to work optimally. When one does not drink sufficient water throughout the day, dehydration can set in and cause various problems such as headaches, aching and stiff joints, and much more.

What do you do when you are away from home or the office though? Generally, most individuals will purchase a soft drink, juice, coffee, tea or some other form of beverage to slake their thirst. These may make you feel less thirsty, but it is only pure drinking water that really does the job of hydrating your body efficiently.

I suppose you could join the hordes of individuals who buy bottled water to drink, but just how healthy is that battled water, and what happens to the plastic bottle once you have finished it?

How comfortable do you feel about asking for a glass or cup of ordinary tap water when out?

According to a recent YouGov study for Keep Britain Tidy, around 75% of individuals believe that free tap water should be more available. Approximately 71% of those questioned however, were uncomfortable asking for a glass of water without purchasing something and 37% are uncomfortable asking even when they are making another purchase.

It is vital that everyone to understand their water rights. Some of the key rules in England, Scotland and Wales are:

  • All UK employers must provide free drinking water for staff in the workplace at all times
  • Licensed premises have a legal duty to provide free drinking water on request
  • Schools must provide drinking water for all pupils at all times

Keep Britain Tidy has called for greater access to tap water when out and about, a move that most people believe would be a positive step for public health.

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