How Much do You Know About Water?Any doctor, nutritionist, or health experts will tell you to drink more water because drinking sufficient water on a daily basis is necessary for your good health and for virtually every function of the human body. As the human body consists of around 70% water, which is fundamental to the optimal functioning of your body, this is good advice.

The problem is that water is not just water anymore; the water that comes out of our tap has been processed, treated and had chemicals which themselves add by-products that are not healthy for us, added to it. It may also contain other toxins such as both pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, so not really what we want to drink.

For this reason, many individuals have taken to drinking bottled water, but is this the wisest choice? Some bottled water, irrespective of what the label on the bottle says, is nothing more than just plain old tap water, and then there is the environmental problem of what happens to that plastic bottle once you have drunk your water? More often than not, it ends up in a landfill somewhere, leeching poisons into the earth.

Distilled is cleaner and purer water than tap water, but it lacks the natural minerals present in many natural water sources, which your body needs. Reverse osmosis water is an option, as the process rids the water of nearly virtually all contaminants, including the heavy metals, fluoride, recreational and medical contaminants found in tap water. Mineral water is a great choice for drinking water, but once again most of it comes in plastic bottles. Natural water sources are, of course, the best, but how many of us live near a natural spring or aquifer?

The best option by far for us city dwellers by far is to invest in a water cooler with a really good carbon filter that can filter out all contaminants and leave us with pure, chilled, drinking water virtually 24/7 at the touch of a button.