How Safe is Refilling My Water Bottle?Many individuals now know that it is vital to their health to drink sufficient water throughout the day, every day, in order to keep the fluid in their bodies balanced. Insufficient water leads to dehydration which can make us very ill and unable to function at the top of our game.

While this is true and important, it is just as critical that the water that we drink is pure and toxin-free. Bottled water was once a major fad but is decreasing in popularity due to the fact that research has shown that not all bottled water is that healthy and could in fact just be tap water decanted into a fancy bottle; add to that the fact that it can become rather expensive over time.

This has led to many individuals purchasing fancy water bottles that they fill themselves and carry around with them which is the best of the best and healthy, yes? NO!! Filling your personal water bottle may not be the healthiest option.

New research has revealed that casually refilling your water bottle may be somewhat akin to licking your toilet, as it is covered in germs. During the study, researchers lab-tested reusable water bottles after being used by athletes for a week and found that the bottle with the highest number of bacteria, more than 900,000 colony forming units per square cm on average, contained more bacteria than the average toilet seat. The average water bottle contained around 313,499 CFU per square cm.

This build-up of germs is the result of not washing the bottles thoroughly between uses. It was discovered that 60% of the germs found on the water bottles could make human-beings very ill. While this is totally disgusting, it does not mean that you should give up on refilling your personal water bottle.

The best type of water bottle to use is a straw-top water bottle, and drinking from stainless steel bottle is healthier than drinking from a plastic bottle, so if you are going to use a personal water bottle, invest in your health and buy a decent one.

Make sure you wash your bottles regularly after each use and avoid using water bottles with hard-to-reach spots and awkward crevices.

Hire water coolers and plumbed water coolers from Living-Water.