Today, sharks are becoming one of the most endangered species on the planet. It is primarily due to the increase in human activities and their continuous negative impact on the earth. Two of the main shark threats includes shark finning and getting caught in fishnets. An increase in climate change and habitat degradation is also causing an increase in the endangerment of sharks.

Since they’re apex predators, they play an incredibly large role in the health and sustainability of the oceans, along with the ecosystems living in it. With an entire ecosystem in the ocean being affected by the decline of these magnificent species, understanding the threats and how to stop them, has never been more important than now.

Considering that females will only give birth to a few pups in their life, makes the matter of endangerment even worse. With the smallest shark species declining with 87% and the remaining ten with 99% over the last 35 years, it’s appalling to think that this is indeed the result of our own kind.

A Decline in Shark Populations

A decline in any shark population could lead to other species of fish increasing rapidly, which will cause an entire ecosystem to collapse, eventually dying out.

With the whale shark and the great white shark already considered to be vulnerable to extinction, and the great hammerhead species endangered, there’s a lot of work to be done, in stopping these predators from vanishing off the face of the earth completely. The Manta Ray is now also considered a threatened shark species, yet luckily, have not reached an endangered status yet.

Commercial fishing has become a worldwide epidemic and one of the biggest threats that sharks face today. Shark finning has increased over the past two decades, wiping out most sharks. Regardless of the fact that sharks die, they also die a brutal death, as they get caught, dragged onto fisherman boats, their fin gets cut off while their alive and they get thrown back into the water to bleed and drown to death, as they cannot swim without their main fin. With shark fin soup serving as a delicacy in Asia and its popularity increasing, sharks will become extinct if laws are not set in place in Asia to stop this awful practice.

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