Summer is here and the days are getting hotter, which means long days out by the pool or at the seaside, nature walks, sport, hiking those beautiful hillsides and many other physical exploits; it also means a greater chance of dehydration.

Dehydration does not just happen when you have not been drinking water for a few days; it can occur in a matter of hours. Even a minimal 2% dehydration can affect your health. While the human body consists of around 70% water, it sheds water in the form of sweat, urination and other normal bodily functions through the day

This means that we all need to drink water regularly through the day in order to stay dehydrated and healthy. Unfortunately too many individuals do not drink water often enough because they do not like the taste or the smell of tap water, but that is not good enough – we need to make a plan to drink water that is unpolluted and tastes and smells fresh.

The best way of doing this is to invest in your health by investing in a water cooler. Whether you decide to purchase a bottled water cooler or a mains of point-of-use (POU) water cooler is of course your choice, but in order to help you in your decision, we thought we would just give you some ideas as to why it is a really good idea to invest in a water cooler:

  1. A water cooler will help you help save money because you will spend less on purchasing bottled water, carbonated drinks and expensive coffees;
  2. A water cooler will encourage everyone to drink more water, thereby staying hydrated and healthy;
  3. Water coolers are hygienic because water companies must comply with strict rules and regulations;
  4. Office water coolers improve productivity amongst employees because one of the main reasons for headaches and fatigue, especially in the afternoon is dehydration. Drinking water regularly during the day keeps one refreshed and hydrated and the brain working optimally;
  5. Water coolers come in a wide range of styles, which means you can get one that fits in with your décor/colour scheme and your budget;
  6. Most mains water coolers can have filters installed, which remove all toxins and other harmful substances from your drinking water , providing you with drinking water that tastes virtually as wonderfully cool and refreshing as natural spring water.