Located in the central part of Texas, is Jacob’s well, a torment to divers who are seeking some thrill in their lives. Little did most of them know that diving deep into Jacob’s well is that they’d meet the very end of their life, all at the expense of an adrenaline rush.

Considering how hot Texas can get during summer times, it’s no doubt why U.S. citizens both living in the state and outside of it, venture to this beautiful location of cool, clean and the clearest of waters.

If you’re not a diver or diving down the well for fun, then what’s the attraction behind this incredibly dangerous zone of terror?

Well, many individuals like to jump off rocks and cliffs, into the well, just to float right back up for a breath.

The danger behind Jacob’s Well

A spring located more specifically in Hays County, which is about an hour from Austin. This well is quite popular, as it is filled by the Trinity Aquifer, which is a powerful force that pushes water through the spills and well, into Cypress Creek.

The cool water found in the well and surrounding springs, have lured scores of visitors each year and is considered an adventure haven to say the least.

Even though the well doesn’t seem dangerous at first glance, many divers and daredevils leap into the opening of the well, diving as deep as 100 feet, which furthermore connects to underwater caves.

That’s where the danger comes in. Even though diving deep into the darkest of caves seems fun, it can become quite deadly.

Divers have run out of breath at the depts of the well. There has already been 8, and some believe 9 or more reported deaths in the well, with a few of the bodies yet to be found.

Nobody knows whether there have been more victims at the expense of a thrill, diving into the well. It is now referred to as one of the most dangerous diving spots in the world.

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