Most plastics are made of petrochemicals. When plastic occurs in freshwater, a lot of toxic chemicals find their way into the environment and into people’s homes. Different hazardous substances can be released throughout the duration of several years when a single plastic product enters the sea. These hazardous substances can also be harmful to ecosystems.

Contamination from plastic products, which is non-biodegradable, of any size, poses as a threat based on the very components that go into the production of plastic. Although many types of plastic-manufactured products contain hazardous chemicals, some countries regulate the use of the contaminants, whereas the world carries the legacy of its usage.

The Dangers Derived from Plastic in Freshwater Resources

Research done on freshwater resources found trace elements of lead, mercury, cadmium, and bromine in the water. At times there were very high concentrations of the metals detected. These chemicals are extremely dangerous, especially because bromine, as an example, is a fire-retardant chemical, while the others are used as coloring agents in plastic.

Plastic waste in freshwater has the same risk to wildlife as plastic does in the sea. Many animals get entangled and ingest the plastic, which causes them to suffer and die. The acidity in the indigestion tract and enzymes can cause a possible release of toxins in the body.

One of the problems surrounding plastic pollution is that it remains in the environment for long periods of time and effects it accordingly. Microplastics are more likely to be ingested. Exposure to the chemicals in plastic impairs reproduction and growth in freshwater fish. Freshwater species of fish and wildlife are declining rapidly.

Humans can also be affected by the toxins released into the water. Indigestion of the poisonous chemicals causes disruption of different hormonal mechanisms.

Environmental exposure to microplastic indigestion affects cardiovascular, renal, reproductive, gastrointestinal, neurological and respiratory systems. Impacts include cancers, and diabetes as well.

When a product serves as a toxic threat to our wildlife and water-based ecosystems, it’s bound to be toxic to humans as well.

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