We’ve all heard the advice, “drink more water, and your skin will thank you”, but one of the biggest reasons why this initiative attracts so much attention, is because it’s true.

Water makes up a major part of our planet and makes up 80% of our bodies. So, considering that both humans, and the earth, requires water to survive, there is absolutely no reason why we should neglect it or view it as insignificant in any way.

For those individuals who slack on drinking water, you best ensure getting into the habit of consuming at least 2 liters of water per day. Not only will it cleanse your entire system and organs, but it will do wonders for your skin, especially problematic skin.

The importance of keeping your body fully hydrated

Everyone knows how important it is to stay hydrated, but no everybody is getting the most out of drinking an adequate amount of water daily.

When your body’s dehydrated, it can affect your skin in a very negative way. It can dry out your skin, make your skin lose its natural sheen and entirely deplete what was once a youthful appearance.

Getting enough water will help your skin stay moisturized, will ensure that your cells are functioning properly, and prevent pores from becoming clogged.

Drinking water is the number one cure for acne, and is ultimate, a building block of health for both your skin and organs.

How to clean your skin with water

Apart from allowing the magical benefits of water occur underneath your skin, after consuming it, you should also take care in washing your skin properly.

Did you know that cleaning your skin with just water can cause it to become dry and flaky? This is mainly because water absorbs oil out of your skin, which causes your sebaceous glands to overproduce sebum, which in return causes acne.

To help prevent this, while still taking care of your skin, you should avoid hot baths and showers. You should also not wash your skin with ice cold water, as this may shock your blood vessels, which leave your skin with a red appearance.

The best way to wash your skin, whether it’s your face or body, is with lukewarm water. When you wash your face in particular, be sure to pat it dry with a clean towel, rather than drying it off aggressively or wiping it off, as this may cause you to develop wrinkles quicker.

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