Although water covers up to 70% of the entire planet, only 3% thereof consist of freshwater resources which we can use to drink, for agricultural purposes, our daily activities like bathing, washing, and cleaning.

What makes it all worse, is that we only have access to 1% thereof, as two-thirds make up frozen glaciers. Since water is so scare, saving as much of it as we can is quite important, especially because there are up to 1.1 billion people that currently lack access to clean drinking water. There are also up to 2.7 billion people living in conditions of water scarcity for roughly one month a year, adding to the bigger spectrum of a massive global issue.

The Bigger Picture Surrounding Water Scarcity

Up to 2.4 billion people are also faced with catching potential diseases, due to a lack of sanitation facilities, and are prone to obtaining a water-borne illness of some kind, including tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and cholera. It is estimated that 2 million people also die from diarrheal diseases, most of which are children who live in water-stressed conditions.

Apart from humans requiring water to survive and remain healthy, many ecosystems do, including plants, animals, and even the ground to maintain agricultural farming, as well as the growth of plants and trees to sustain the earth. Since the human population continues to increase, it’s difficult to imagine whether water resources will be enough to sustain the world into the far future, with 2025 already being marked the year in which water issues could potentially worsen to the extent that cannot be restored.

Up until this date, over half of the entire world’s wetlands have already disappeared. Given that humans rely on agriculture for food to survive and agriculture requires the cleanest water to sustain farms and crops, countless issues could arise as a result of water scarcity in the future.

As it stands, at the current rate that humans are consuming water, up to two-thirds of the world population could face water shortages by 2025.

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