The Pharmacy in Your Drinking WaterWe are all 70% water, and we constantly need to drink water to maintain that percentage for good health. When we do not drink sufficient water on a daily basis we become dehydrated, which causes the body to stop functioning at its peak, but are you aware of the pharmacy in your drinking water?

Everyone from our mom, to doctors, teachers, health professionals, sports coaches and everyone in-between is always telling us that we need to drink water to stay hydrated; drink water to lose weight; drink water to think clearly; drink water to cool our bodies when it is hot; drink water, drink water, drink water…

I have a huge problem with that; I do not like the taste of the drinking water supplied by local authorities. This is not a new thing; even as a child I could never drink a glass of water because the minute that glass came near my nose and I smelled that chemical smell I was put off. I wonder why…

The Pharmacy in Your Drinking Water

Local authorities the world over continually tell us that the drinking water supplied is pure and toxin-free, but can we trust them to tell us the truth? Remember, these are the same people who have been putting chlorine and fluoride in our drinking water for decades and telling us that it is not toxic. Well, these days we know better than that, don’t we?

What exactly do I mean with the term “the pharmacy in your drinking water” and how does it impact on you? That is easily answered; what I mean is the amount of pharmaceuticals that can be found in drinking water all over the world, irrespective of who denies the claims.

Studies of the drinking water in the UK and in the US have discovered traces of many pharmaceuticals such as hormone treatments, pain medications, neurological drugs, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, and many other prescription drugs. What may be even more disturbing are the traces of recreational drug such as cocaine that have been found in the drinking water supplies.

Authorities insist that the traces are minute and cannot harm us, but are you willing to take that chance? I do not take prescription drugs as a rule, preferring natural methods of healing, on top of which I am a cancer survivor, and you want me to drink THAT?

No Siree, no way no how am I drinking that without ensuring that I somehow improve on the pureness of it before it touches these lips. If you feel like me, there are various methods of filtering the municipally supplied drinking water, such as tap filters, water jug filters, and my personal choice, a water cooler.

I have installed a home water cooler and an office water cooler which ensure that the water is filtered long before it reaches my glass or touches my lips, and trust me it is so cool and refreshing that I am suddenly an avid water drinker.

Living-water water cooler rental in London and water cooler buy for office or home.