Hopefully there are not still individuals who are not aware of climate change and the need to save, reuse and recycle water so that there is sufficient for future use. Many have learned the hard way, by living through devastating drought.

We have been schooled on traditional methods of saving water such as fixing leaky water pipes and taps, watering our gardens less, planting water-wise gardens, doing away with luscious lawns that gulp water, showering instead of bathing, taking shorter showers, using grey water on the garden, and installing rain-tanks for a while now, and thankfully most individuals are making an effort.

There are, however, also many other ways to save water, reduce our water bills, and also help reduce our carbon footprint:

Use the same glass or cup: We all need to drink several glasses of water per day in addition to other liquids in order to stay hydrated and healthy, but there is really no necessity to use a different cup or glass every time, which means less water wasted washing a glass or cup after just one use. This also encourages us to finish the water in our glass or other liquid in a cup instead of just throwing it down the drain. If you rinse the inside of the glass/cup between uses, it only takes a little water and this can be given to your animals or for watering a house-plant.

Reuse your cooking water: Instead of throwing the water used to cook pasta down the drain, add it to the sauce instead for better flavour and texture. You can also use veggie water for making soup stock.

Installing modern low-flow showerheads and toilets, switching the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth, using a bucket to wash your car instead of a hose, and watering your garden with a bucket instead of a hose where possible will all help save thousands of litres of water annually.

Purchase water coolers and water coolers from Living-Water.