Did you know that there are many infections and diseases that can be caused by as well as cured by water? As strange as it may sound, water is life and while contaminated water and a lack of water can cause various illnesses and diseases, drinking pure water can heal those same illnesses and diseases.

There are various diseases and health conditions that can be caused by drinking the water or merely by using the water for personal hygiene:

Arsenicosis is caused by prolonged exposure to low concentrations of arsenic in the drinking water, and generally occurs in individuals who drink water with high arsenic levels because they do not have access to pure drinking water or are unaware of the risks of drinking said water. Arsenicosis can result in cancer of the lungs, skin, kidney and bladder, and causes painful hardened lesions on the skin. Drinking pure water will flush the arsenic out of the system and negate the potential danger of arsenic poisoning.

Cholera is an acute bacterial infection caused by bad sanitation and bad personal and/or food hygiene behaviour, or by drinking unsafe water. Cholera results in severe bouts of diarrhoea that lead to dehydration and can also cause death if the individual does not hydrate with fresh potable drinking water.

Diarrhoea is the most common water-related infection and is responsible for around 1.8 million deaths (mostly children) annually, especially in developing countries. It is directly linked to water and sanitation, and is caused by various micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses and protozoans. Drinking potable water and embracing hygienic sanitation, including the simple act of washing one’s hands with soap and water, will stop this happening.

Kidney infections occur as a result of bladder or urinary tract infections that have not been cured and have travelled up to the kidneys. Drinking plenty of pure water will flush the bacteria out of the bladder and clean out the kidney at the same time.

Drinking potable water as well as using clean water for personal hygiene and food preparation is vital for good health.

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