While a little bit of water in the joints is a normal thing in every human’s body, having more than just a little water in your joints could be harmful, especially when it comes to your knees. A little bit of water in your joints, however, can help promote smooth and proper joint rotation which will furthermore, promote optimal health for your wellness and daily active lifestyle.

When too much fluid does accumulate around your joint, joint effusion takes place and is often referred to as swollen knee or having water on your knees.

The cause of water on the knees can be a result of an infection, injury or medical condition that affects the joints.

Symptoms of Water on the Knees

While this condition will only affect one knee the majority of the time, symptoms will usually involve the feeling of heaviness in the joints. You’ll also be able to see the difference when comparing the affected knee to your other knee.

More symptoms include joint stiffness which will also constrict the bending and straightening of your leg, pain and tenderness when you put weight on your knee, heat in the affected knee, swelling and redness that surrounds the kneecap.

Water on the knee not only causes pain and discomfort but will also make it much harder for you to engage in daily activities such as walking and climbing stairs.

The Main Causes of Water on the Knees

There are many reasons water might build up on the knee. These include the overuse of your joints during repetitive injuries, broken bones, bacterial infections, torn cartilage and ligaments, osteoarthritis, prepatellar bursitis, cysts, tumours and gout.

The fluid is usually made from white blood cells and may contain chemicals that are released in the body. It also includes natural lubricants and red blood cells. Whenever a knee injury occurs, chances are your body will produce fluids to protect.

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