As a relatively new method that is used during the process of softening water, salt-free water conditions are usually used for commercial purposes and can be found in most households everywhere.

This technology has passed several tests and has been proven to reduce the lime-scale production that is found in hard water. With the implementation of this method, the production has been reduced by up to 96%.

The Process of Water Softening Through Salt-Free Water Conditioning

Salt-free water conditioning is also known as template assisted crystallisation or nucleation assisted crystallisation. It makes use of the principle of microscopic ceramic polymer beads, in an active template, that acts as the biggest anchor for magnesium and calcium hardening-ions, that accumulates into many clusters of Nano-crystals.

When it comes to using regular water softeners, ion-exchange is known to remove the hardness altogether. The ion-exchange resin, with regular water conditioning, will attract the minerals, calcium and magnesium, from water, while replacing it with sodium ions, which were created from exchange resin.

During these processes, referred to as regeneration, saltwater will get drawn from the tank that contains brine, into the softer, which allows sodium in the resin to be regenerated.

Through using these systems, calcium and magnesium are generated, while limescale gets eliminated, which in turn allows for the cleaning of clothes, which are left brighter, as well as skin softer.

During this entire process, salt-free water conditioners will produce catalytic reactions, which converts minerals to calcite crystals, which are then eliminated by water flow. It only occurs when they reach a certain size, however.

Are Salt-Water Conditioners Better than Normal Conditioners?

Since the conditioners that don’t contain salt, doesn’t physically remove any hardness, that is created by water, and instead changes dissolved calcium carbonate to calcite crystal, which cannot attach to appliances or pipes, salt-water conditioners might seem like a slightly better option, regarding optimal effectivity.

Since it also requires a lot less maintenance than the regular softener, it is far more efficient and will save you time too.

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