Are You Water-Wise at Home?Are you water-wise at home? What does that even mean, how do I become water-wise at home, what do I need to do to become water-wise?

To be WISE means to exercise good judgment or common sense in practical matters, to take knowledge you have gained and use it to the benefit of yourself and others including animals and plants.

To be “Water Wise” means:

  • To Respect Water is to Respect Life: No life on earth can survive or thrive without water, therefore we need to respect water as we need to respect all life, including plant-life.

  • Not to Waste Water: Wasting water by using too much or letting it run down the drain from leaky taps or water pipes is a crime against nature, especially in but not limited to countries where water is scarce. One method of doing this is to invest in a water cooler at home so that you do not need to run the tap until the water is cool enough to drink.

  • Not to Pollute Water: When we pollute the countryside or the water, it spreads into other water sources and eventually lands up in the sea; it affects living organisms and can spread disease to communities that drink water from those sources.

  • To Conserve Water, Conserve the Environment: Water conservation is vital as it also conserves our environment, thereby ensuring all life on earth. If we waste water there is not enough water to sustain plant and animal-life; if we pollute water it will make the animals sick and ultimately die.

  • To Recycle Water: One way of saving water is to recycle it; this means that you should use the grey water from washing the dishes or bathing to water non food-bearing plants in your garden and also to collect rainwater and use it to water your garden, including your food garden.

  • To Take Action: Taking action means ensuring that any environmental problems are attended to; that leaky taps are fixed; that rivers are monitored and kept clean; that you use a bucket to wash your car and not the hose-pipe; that you water sparingly and do not leave the sprinklers on for hours on end.

  • To Plant a Water-Wise Garden: A water-wise garden is one in which the plants require regular watering while being established but will need less water than most traditional plants when established. The best way to accomplish this is to plant only indigenous plants in your garden.

Remember that there are millions of individuals across the globe that do not have access to life-giving, life-sustaining water and millions die annually because of this. Respect water, save water, conserve water – water is life!

Buy water cooler or rent water cooler from Living-Water.