There are some incredible facts about tears that are generally not known. The fact that tears serve a purpose to the human body alone, is something that is also quite unknown. When you’re feeling emotional, however, it’s without a doubt that they are always there to shower down from your eyes and while they might make your eyes feel heavy at first, they sure do leave you feeling better after.

Tears also have functions, and while we might think its just a little water with salt, which we were told when we were younger, they’re a lot more than just that.

Did you know that there are different types of tears?

There are three different types of tears that can be generated by humans. These are basal tears, emotional tears and reflex tears.

Basal tears are tears that are associated with your eye vision and health. They are generated all the time, without you even noticing it, as they do not run out of your eyes like regular tears. They, in fact, lubricate, protect and nourish the eyes.

Emotional tears are the ones we know best and occur when we feel an emotion and reflex tears are those formed to protect our eyes from irritants. They also wash away debris and helps fight off bacteria, all while fighting to prevent bacterial infections. These tears are also triggered when we cut onions or are exposed to strong wind and chemicals in the air that may are the delicate eye area.

The composition of tears

Tears are made up of water, mucus, and oil, which are the same layers that saliva is made up of.

Water is the thickest layer, as it contains all the necessary nutrients that are crucial for the eyes to remain healthy. The oil layer is responsible for evaporation and keeps the eyes moist.

Tears also drain themselves, as they are created by the lacrimal glands in our eyes. Whether we cry emotionally or not, we still produce about 5-10 ounces of these special drops a day.

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