It is imperative that we consume an adequate amount of water on a daily basis in order to guarantee that the water content of our bodies remains at a level of 70%; if we fail to do so, we will be forced to deal with the unpleasant effects of dehydration.

Headaches, nausea, constipation, urinary issues, kidney and liver disorders, cancer, colon problems, lethargy, irritability, mood changes, allergic responses, and even coma or death can be caused by dehydration.

So what does one do if you do not like drinking tap water? Either you invest in a water cooler that is plumbed directly into your main water pipes and filters out any contaminants, or you invest in a bottled water cooler that provides you with revitalising and crystal clear Living-Water Spring Water. Both of these options are available to you.

What are the Advantages of Drinking Spring Water Instead of Tap Water?

Water that originates from a natural subterranean spring, such as Living-Water, and has been filtered and purified. The greatest kind of water to drink is spring water that comes from the South Shropshire Hills, which is located on the border of the Welsh Marches. The water is then bottled there.

  • The PH of spring water is ideally balanced at 7.5, making it soft water, and it contains very little magnesium and calcium.
  • Because it contains the ideal balance of minerals, spring water is excellent for stimulating the growth of cells.
  • There are no harmful chemicals found in spring water.
  • The water that comes from springs is completely devoid of any kind of contamination.
  • Drinking Living-Water Spring Water is the experience of drinking water in its purest, most natural state; the way that nature intended it to be consumed.
  • Because it can be consumed without risk by infants, spring water must be beneficial to adults as well.
    Living-Water Because spring water is so naturally pure, using it in beverages like tea and coffee will result in a marked improvement in flavour; and You’ll notice a distinct flavour difference if you try cooking your rice and pasta in spring water.

Living Glass bottles of spring water come in capacities of both 500 millilitres and 1.5 litres. In accordance with Living-commitment Water’s to preserving the environment, these bottles are recycled after being given a thorough cleaning. Because of this, the amount of waste caused by Living-Water bottles does not contribute to the annual accumulation of millions of tonnes of water bottles in landfills across the globe.

The bottled water coolers provided by Living-Water are at the cutting edge of technology and offer a never-ending supply of crisp and refreshing Living Spring Water drawn from 19.1-liter bottles. Additionally, Living-Water is a fully accredited member of the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA), an organisation that ensures the highest possible level in both technological advancement and hygienic practises.

You may rent water coolers from Living-Water in London or purchase water coolers online in London.