Yes, we are all aware by this point that we need to drink water throughout the day in order to keep the fluid levels in our bodies in balance, in addition to remaining hydrated and healthy; but, the question remains: how much water is sufficient?

The majority of us were brought up with the outdated notion that an individual should consume eight glasses of water each day; however, this theory has been debunked in recent years, and who among us can actually drink an entire glass of water every two hours? No way, not even close!

How Much Water Should I Be Getting Into My System?

There are still some schools of thought that maintain that the eight by eight rule is accurate, but there are others that maintain that to determine the amount of litres of water you should consume each day, you should divide your weight in half and use that number (this only really works in pounds and ounces though).

There are also a great number of other schools of thought, including the following: you should drink an additional glass of water for every 20 minutes that you engage in physical activity; when flying, you should drink a glass of water for every hour that you are on the plane; if you live in a dry climate, you should drink an additional two glasses of water per day; and you should drink an equal amount of water to any amount of alcohol that you consume.

Despite the fact that each of the aforementioned points has something positive going for it, I’m of the opinion that people should adjust the amount of water they drink based on their age, gender, lifestyle, food, and present state of health in addition to the geographic region in which they live.

For me, a good rule of thumb is to begin each day with a huge glass of water soon after getting out of bed, to drink another large glass of water around an hour before each meal, and to finish the day off with yet another glass of water before going to bed. While it is especially hot outside or when I am doing strenuous activity, I adjust the amount of water that I drink accordingly. In addition to consuming a large quantity of fruits and vegetables, which are high in water, and drinking various liquids throughout the day, I also pay attention to the colour of my urine. If it is black, I have a glass of water; if it is light, I know I am well-hydrated.

Since I made the investment in a water cooler, of course I actually enjoy drinking water these days because the water is ice cold and tastes almost exactly the same as spring water because it is so pure, and because I have access to cold, ambient, and hot water at the touch of a lever, I have no excuse not to drink water. Of course, I actually enjoy drinking water these days because the water is ice cold and tastes almost exactly the same as spring water because it is so pure.

Living-Water provides water cooler rentals in addition to water dispensers in London.