Why Does Saving Water at Home Matter?Although agriculture and business account for the majority of any country’s water consumption, it is important that every single one of us also save as much water as we can in order to mitigate the effects of the projected water shortages, even in countries where there are currently no water shortages.

Just because there does not seem to be a water shortage problem in the UK at the moment does not mean that everything is going to stay that way; climate change and a burgeoning global population is going to affect every country in the future.

Why Does Saving Water at Home Matter?

Even though water doesn’t appear to currently be in short supply in the UK, using less water will not only benefit the environment and the global population in general but will also influence you personally by reducing your energy use and saving money on water bills.

Climate change is not something of the future, it is something that is with us now and it is creating floods in some areas and droughts in others; by saving water where we can at home and at work we can help ensure that there is more water available for us in the near future should we experience low rainfall or a drought.

Some easy methods of being water-efficient include:

  • Use a watering can to water where possible instead of a hose; a hosepipe uses up to 1,000 litres of water per hour;
  • Use mulch in your garden – bark chippings, heavy compost or straw will keep the moisture in, which means that your garden will require watering less often;
  • Water in the early morning to fortify your plants for the hot day and reduce evaporation;
  • Installing a water meter that provides an itemised bill will allow you to see where the most water is used and to make a way to cut down in those areas; and
  • Invest in a home water cooler, preferably a mains water cooler which can provide your whole family with pure, chilled, filtered drinking water; this will save water as you will no longer need to let the tap run until the water is cool.

Purchasing only water-efficient showerheads, taps, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers and many other water-saving products will also go a long way to saving water throughout your whole household.

Buy water coolers and rent water dispensers from Living-Water. Read our water cooler blog for news and articles.