Water is vital for life as well as for your health and every single cell in your body. We simply cannot function optimally and will eventually die unless we drink sufficient water regularly.

Drinking too little water will result in dehydration, while drinking too much water will result in a condition called water-intoxication or hyponatraemia.

Drinking too much water will dilute your blood, resulting in an imbalance of the minerals in your body thereby affecting its ability to operate effectively. This makes it important to not only drink the right amount of water, but to also drink water at the right time.

Start your day off by drinking a large glass of water and continue to drink water throughout the day in addition to any other liquids you drink and eating water-rich foodstuffs such as fruit and veg with a high water content, juices, soups, and yoghurt.

It is important that you sip water throughout the day and do not try to drink it all in one go. Drinking water needs to be done over a period of time so that you do not flood your kidneys and dilute the concentrations of minerals in your body. Drinking too much liquid at once could also cause excess fluid to flow to the brain cells or neurons and resulting in a condition called brain oedema which can result in coma, seizures, brainstem herniation and even death.

Two of the electrolytes that can be found in water and which are critical to the optimal functioning of the human body, are sodium and potassium, which maintain the fluid balance in your body and are vital to keep the muscles and nerve cells in your body working properly.

You should drink water two hours before a long and intense workout; drink more during the workout if it is long and/or intense. Also drink more water when you are outside in the hot sun for whatever reason and if you are ill, as a temperature makes you sweat which will dehydrate you.

Get water cooler price and water delivery from Living-Water in London.