Why Should I Buy a Fountain Water Cooler?A drinking water fountain such as the Living-Water Fountain Water Cooler has many benefits, but is obviously not suited to all circumstances.

Before purchasing a water cooler, it is important that you look at everything and do some research into different types of water coolers in order to make an informed decision as to whether a bottled water cooler, a plumbed-in mains water cooler or a fountain water cooler is better for your particular circumstances.

Why Should I Buy a Fountain Water Cooler?

Drinking water fountains are best suited to areas of high usage such as gyms, sports centres, colleges and schools that require a medium to large cooling capacity. Drinking water fountains can dispense between 25 – 50 litres of chilled water per hour depending on the model, which is perfectly suited to such high-traffic areas.

Drinking water fountains usually offer a range of dispensing methods such as a bubbler, a jet and/or a swan neck dispenser. They are generally manufactured from stainless steel so that they are very easy to keep clean and require minimal maintenance.

Various research studies have shown that children are not drinking sufficient water at school, primarily because access to drinking water in schools is generally poor. Most individuals will not feel happy about drinking water in the cloakrooms therefore run around at least partially dehydrated most of the time.

Drinking water fountains are the perfect way to get schoolchildren to drink more water because they can be placed in a communal high-traffic area, they are hygienic, and offer easy access to fresh, chilled, energy-giving water.

The Living-Water Fountain Water Cooler is a stylish, low-maintenance drinking fountain that provides consistently high-quality drinking water over prolonged periods. Its features include:

  • A stylish stainless steel body;
  • A combination of dispenser jet and/or a swan neck dispenser;
  • It chills the water directly, without the need for a reservoir, which avoids water build-up;
  • Optional filters can easily be attached to improve the taste and aroma of the water dispensed.
  • The Fountain is rugged and durable and has a small footprint;
  •  Both floor standing and  wall-mounted models are available;
  • An extensive range of taps allows the water to be accessed directly or dispensed into a cup.

Contact Living-Water for a free needs assessment in order to ascertain which water cooler would best suit your needs.