Will Drinking Water Damage My Heart?“I thought drinking water was supposed to be good for my heart,” I hear you say. Well, yes, it is, because drinking sufficient water is required in order to keep your blood at the correct viscosity so that it can flow easily through your veins. When you are dehydrated your blood gets thicker and this makes your heart work harder to pump it all over your body.

Drinking water with fluoride in it, on the other hand, is not that healthy for your heart because fluoride can cause heart problems:

  • Fluoride accumulates in the aorta;
  • Fluoride levels in individuals who constantly drink water containing fluoride are very high and demonstrate artery-calcifying effects; and
  • Fluoride forms fluorapatite on artery walls, increasing cardio-toxicity already present in the body

Studies have shown that fluoride levels in older individuals who have ingested fluoride in their drinking water for many years can be very high and this can lead to medial vascular calcification.

Fluoride does not only affect the heart; fluoride’s association with soft tissue calcification extends to brain structures, including the pineal gland, which means that it is exceedingly neurotoxic. Fluoride is a known toxicant that must either be absorbed and incorporated into our body’s tissues or excreted via the kidneys; people who have chronic kidney disease struggle to clear the fluoride, which increases blood plasma levels. Prolonged exposure to fluoride can exacerbate the decline in kidney function in individuals who already have impaired kidney function or chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Various countries, including the UK, add fluoride to the drinking water ostensibly to combat tooth decay in children, but fluoride can actually cause bone cancer, especially in young boys.

The only way to ensure that you are not drinking fluoride every time you drink water is to get a mains water cooler that is plumbed in directly to your main water pipe, fitted with a carbon filter that will filter out all pollutants, including fluoride.

Get watercoolers and water cooler accessories from Living-Water. Hire water cooler and purchase water cooler in London.