Will These Ploys Make You Drink More Bottled Water?Drinking water has become Big Business since people realised that we need to drink water regularly in order to become and remain hydrated. While we can survive for weeks without food, the human body can only survive around three days without water.

Unfortunately this has led to unscrupulous water companies making outrageous claims about their bottled water in an effort to convince people to buy more of it. Unfortunately, because tap water is no longer that healthy and contains various toxins, people do not want to drink it, and they are falling for all these tall tales and purchasing bottled water by the tonne.

While these individuals may think that the bottled water is good for them, it is certainly not good for the planet as most of the empty plastic bottles end up discarded in nature or dumped in landfills all over the globe, left there to leach their poisons into the earth.

Before you purchase your next bottle of water, let me debunk some of the myths about it:

You should only drink bottled water after an intense workout – utter rubbish! It is better to drink a sports drink after a workout lasting longer than an hour so that you can replace lost electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

Water bottles are recycled therefore are not harmful to the environment – once again, this is wishful thinking; most plastic water bottles never see the inside of a recycling plant but end up in landfills where they basically remain for thousands of years.

Bottled water that contains added vitamins, minerals or proteins is healthiest – if these bottled waters actually contained meaningful amounts of the above they could be, but the minimal traces in the water will do nothing for your health,

Rather than spending hundreds of pounds on bottled water every year, you would do much better for your health, your budget and the planet if you invested in a water cooler that could provide you with chilled, filtered water virtually 24/7 instead.