Modern office water coolers are great, sturdy little gadgets that can be customised to suit any business and are a necessity in today’s business world.

Office water coolers have become more popular over the past decade or so due to the fact that more people have realised that drinking water regularly is essential to good health and that not drinking water throughout the day affects not only one’s health, but also one’s mood and productivity.

10 Reasons Why You Need an Office Water Cooler

  1. Bottled Office Water Coolers are environmentally-friendly because their bottles are reused and recycled so do not end up in landfills.
  2. Most modern water coolers are really aesthetically pleasing, with great styles and a range of colours so that they will fit in with your office décor and branding.
  3. Office Water Cooler chats are great for interaction and many great ideas are born over a cup of water around the cooler.
  4. Office Water Coolers are hygienic because water companies are legislated to comply with strict rules and regulations
  5. Office Water Coolers are low maintenance. Water companies will service and sanitise Bottled Water Coolers, and many POU Water Coolers are self-sanitising.
  6. Office Water Coolers ensure employees remain well-hydrated – this means less sick days.
  7. Office Water Coolers improve productivity amongst employees because bodily fluids are kept in balance they can work at their best
  8. Office Water Coolers provide employees with clear, cool, great-tasting water on demand; most plumbed-in water coolers can have an optional filter installed to filter out harmful compounds and toxins found in most tap water.
  9. There are many styles of water coolers from which to choose, which means that you can get a water cooler to suit your needs and your budget.
  10. Office Water Coolers save money in many ways; less staff off-time; staff drink more water which means they drink less tea or coffee; refreshed staff are happy staff and happy staff are productive staff.