According to a study, 1 in 10 people in the world do not have access to clean water. As per the same report, every 90 seconds, a child dies from a water-borne disease. $260 billion dollars are lost every year due to lack of clean water.

But one thing is understandable: nothing makes us think twice about wasting water until our bills go up. Some of us are concerned by the lack of water in the world and some of us want to do our part in reducing our water costs.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to conserve water to avoid water expenses and save a depleting resource we can’t live without.

But conserving water doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, there are several creative and effective ways to conserve water.

Here are 5 creative ways to keep in mind:

1. Take a Shower When the Dishwasher is Running

You don’t have to turn on the dishwasher every time you need to take a shower. But whenever someone uses the dishwasher to wash dishes, you can take a shower.

This is because since the plumbing system is connected, the water used by the dishwasher will heat and the water in the shower will heat at a fast pace as well.

2.  Store Water in Cooking Pots

Store water in cooking pots or water drums. This will help you save water because you can use the conserved water for later use.

On top of that, if you need to water plants or wash dishes, you can use the water you’ve stored. This will help reduce water wastage because you will be working with limited amounts of water. Your mind will automatically signal you to conserve water.

3. Poor Little Fish Basin

Poor little fish basins are now becoming increasingly popular.

Most individuals forget about the importance of conserving water every day. But this wash basin helps them conserve water efficiently. How? Well, for one, the design consists of a small wash basin and on top of that, there is a fish bowl. The water line is connected to the fish bowl.

So if an individual uses water, they’re using water from the fish bowl! Don’t worry, after they are done, the bowl is refilled.

4. iSAVE Facuet

These types of faucets help conserve water by showing individuals the amount of water they are wasting and how much water they can save. This information helps individuals make an educated decision.

5. Water Filters

By installing water filters, homeowners and businesses can save gallons of water every day. How? Well, for one, they will be filtering contaminated water, purifying it and making it usable!

This way, individuals don’t have to worry about the lack of access to clean drinking water, and will be able to make clean water accessible to everyone else.

At Living Water, we offer organisations water coolers/dispensers and filters that are connected to the main water supply. This way, your company will have access to clean, safe water. We also offer services to businesses for renting water coolers.

If you’re looking for a water cooler or delivery services for your company, call us at 0203 139 9051 today or visit our website for further details.