Considering how important ecosystems and biodiversity is to the well-being of all animals, plants and living organisms everywhere, specifically in the ocean, losing just one animal in an ecosystem is not a good thing.

Now, it might seem irrelevant when the earth loses one species, since there are so many others and it already has lost millions of species, to begin with, but what if a species died out every single day?

It might not be presenting a major problem at this very moment, but it is extremely significant to this generation, who have caused some of the most cases of animal extinctions in history.

Did you know that the famous Orangutan, the Black Rhino, some of the biggest species of Pandas and the Amur Leopard have all gone extinct? These are some of the well-known animals that have gone noticed to disappear on land, but what about in the ocean?

Which animals are endangered and are going to be next? A lack of interest in the ocean and taking care of it as we do our land is also something that needs to be adjusted.

Sea creatures that are on the verge of extinction in the ocean

#1 The Hawksbill Turtle

Living its life in gulf and coral reefs, the Hawksbill Turtle’s population has declined with 80% within the last century, due to being trafficked on the trading markets, which are run by tourists, for their meat and shells.

Their shell gets sold as a tortoiseshell for its beautiful colors. Many organizations have tried to stop the trade of this magnificent turtle but cannot seem to stop it completely. If this trade continues, the Hawksbill turtle may be extinct within the next few years.

#2 The Blue Whale

It’s hard to think that the blue whale has made the list of the most endangered species on earth.

As a whale that weighs nearly 200 tonnes and has a length of 100 feet and can be found migrating from different poles all over the world, they are hunted excessively. The global population of the whale is now only between 10,000 and 25,000 and continues to decrease in numbers faster than it can grow.

#3 The Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle

It seems that most sea turtles will become extinct quite soon. This particular sea turtle is one of the smallest and rarest to be found and has become extremely endangered.

They are found mostly swimming in the Gulf of Mexico and migrate annually to the Atlantic Ocean, just to return to Mexico to lay their eggs.

Female turtles of this species, all lay their eggs on the same beach, at the same time, which has resulted in an incredible decline in population. Even though it is illegal to harvest their eggs, that doesn’t stop people from trying to steal them.

#4 The Stellar Sea Lion

As the fourth largest seal species and located in the ice-cold waters of the North Pacific Ocean and most commonly known as the sea lion, they are at high risk serving as pretty for their predator, the Killer Whale.

Another one of their predators is humans. In Alaska and Canada, sea lions are at high risk for their meat, oil and are also used to make by-products. They are extremely vulnerable in their natural habitats and have already declined in numbers with 60%.

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