5 Benefits of Using POU Office Water CoolersOne of the best ways to ensure that you drink enough water throughout the day to ensure that you keep your body fully hydrated is to invest in an office water cooler. Office water coolers come in two basic styles; bottled office water coolers and mains or POU (point of use) office water coolers.

Bottled office water coolers are more geared towards smaller offices where there are less staff members, as the water is delivered via large bottles that are placed upside down on the top of the water cooler. This means that the bottles need to be replaced regularly, which means that there is basically a finite amount of water available.

POU office water coolers are plumbed directly into your main water line, which means that there is a virtual 24/7 supply of fresh drinking water.

5 Benefits of Using POU Office Water Coolers

The benefits of POU office water coolers for larger companies or other places where there is a high level of users are many, including:

1. Environmentally Friendly

POU office water coolers are environmentally friendly because there are no bottles necessary to deliver water, so less plastic ends up on landfills.

2. Reduced Costs

Your costs are greatly reduced with a POU office water cooler because you do not have to constantly pay for bottles of water and the delivery of the bottles.

3. Superior Quality, Unlimited Drinking Water

Plumbed in office water coolers supply cool, refreshing drinking water at the push of a button virtually 24/7 because they are plumbed directly into your main water supply and you can have a filter attached near the mains line to filter out all toxins.

4. Convenience & Space Saving

Point of Use office water coolers are very convenient because they offer an unlimited supply of fresh, chilled water whenever you want some and they save space because there is no need to store full and empty bottles.

5. Time-Saving & Effortless

Plumbed in office water coolers save a lot of time and hassles as there is no waiting for a bottle to be delivered, and no effort necessary as bottles do not have to be carried, changed, stored, replaced etcetera.

POU office water coolers are healthy and great way for employers to ensure that their personnel remain fully hydrated at all times so that they can work at optimum pace even in the heat of summer, and healthy staff are happy staff and work better and longer.