Where to Position your Office Water CoolerInvesting in an office water cooler is a great idea in order to ensure that your personnel stay fully hydrated during the day, especially during the hot summer months, but the question of where to place your office water cooler can be a problem sometimes.

If your office water cooler is a mains office water cooler then the problem is somewhat lessened as the fact that this type of office water cooler is plumbed into the main water line rather limits where it can be placed. It will have to be in an area that is close to the main water line and a plug so that the water can be kept chilled; this is generally in a kitchen area.

If you have a bottled office water cooler though, the choices are endless as it does not have to be accessible to a main water line, only to a power point.

Where to Position your Office Water Cooler

There are however some facts that one should bear in mind when deciding where to place your office water cooler in order to get the best possible use out of it:

  • A communal office water cooler should be easily accessible to all personnel
  • Reception areas are a good spot to place an office water cooler for visitors, however you may not want to place a communal staff water cooler here as the area could get too crowded
  • Do not place your office water cooler in direct sunlight; it will warm the water and continuous exposure to the sun may fade or even damage the water cooler
  • The ideal spot to place an office water cooler is against a wall somewhere so that it is protected from any accidental bumps or knocks
  • Your office water cooler should always be placed on a level surface
  • If possible, do not place your office water cooler on a wooden floor as it may get damaged from spills

Bottled office water coolers are basically portable and can be moved from one position to another, so if you do not find the perfect place at first you can always move it.