If you think about wasting water, chances are that wasting water on food seems irrelevant and way too little to make a difference in water loss as a whole. Well, think again. The amount of water that Is wasted whilst cooking is substantial, and even more so, it is a factor that is on the rise to getting worse.

The amount of water it takes to produce the American diet, for instance, it up to a 1000-gallons per person a day. That is, for those who buy fast food in America, which is a lot.

The water used in America to produce large amounts of fast food is more than the average global water footprint of 900 gallons per individual per day for their given diets, household use, energy, transportation and consumption of material-oriented products.

Food consumption: Not only dangerous for your body

When considering your health, it might come to pass that all those burgers might just not be as good for you as you think. Whether you’d like to admit it or not, it’s not. Even more so, its also not as good for the environment and contributes a great deal to a lack of water in many countries. It has been said that one quarter-pound burger depletes a total amount of water of thirty average showers. Now imagine America and all those burgers… What has the world become? The easiest way to make a difference in large societies is to cut down on meat and dairy products. Not only will your body thank you, but so will the earth.

Looking at percentages, one serving of poultry costs the earth around 90 gallons of water in order to produce it. Not even just that, the travelling of these food products also uses up a large amount of water, and remember, these products are consumed daily on a large scale.

Whether you’d like to admit it, or not. Saving water is crucial in any way possible, and if you can help the earth by consuming less artificial anything, you’ve made your mark on changing the environment for the better.

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