Advantages and disadvantages of an office water coolerIt’s no secret that many people have personal water coolers in their homes. In fact, water coolers for home continue to be a main source of business for filtered water companies. But in today’s health and eco-conscious society, more and more businesses are choosing to place office water coolers. But is a water cooler right for every workplace? As with any piece of office equipment, there are both advantages and disadvantages to installing an office water cooler.

Water coolers, often referred to as water fountains or water dispensers; offer many health and environmental benefits. If access to free water is readily available, employees are more likely to choose water rather than purchasing sugary soft drinks or juices from a vending machine. When employees are properly hydrated with the right fluids, they are more alert, productive, and prepared for the work day. In addition, having an office water dispenser may deter employees from leaving the workplace to purchase drinks elsewhere, which helps eliminate distractions and keeps employees on task.

Water coolers for offices are environmentally-friendly as well. Rather than purchasing or bringing plastic bottled water from home, employees can drink the filtered water using reusable glassware orĀ recyclable paper cups. And lastly, if your business requires that customers and clients visit your office, a visible water cooler puts your clients at ease by allowing them to comfortably pour their own drinks. It also lets your customers know that you care about the health and hydration of your employees.

Although there are many benefits to having a water cooler in your office, there are also a few inconveniences to consider. Since many water coolers require a bottle to hold the water, you’ll need to store a number of large, bulky water-filled containers on your premises. Replacing the bottles can be a somewhat cumbersome task as well, and requires some strength too. In addition, water bottle inventories need to be replenished on a regular basis. Make sure to check the supply often.

Businesses can, however, avoid heavy bottle lifting and replacing by installing a mains water cooler in their office. Rather than drawing on water from a bottle, mains water coolers dispense water directly from your building’s mains water supply, eliminating the need for bottles.

Whatever your office water needs are, at Living-Water you are sure to find what you need. We are just a few clicks away.