Investing in a Living-Water office water coolerIt has long been a theory that the office water cooler is a place where people relax and gossip about their personal lives, office antics, and other people. However, in reality the office water cooler may simply be a perk provided by your employer to allow you access to quality water to drink throughout the work day.

Office water coolers are often serviced by the water cooler company who comes on a regular basis to restock the empty bottles with new ones. Employees are responsible for replacing a new bottle once one has been emptied.

Most people don’t stop to think about all the germs, bacteria, and even mould that can accumulate on the office water cooler. The more individuals who use it, the more likely these things will be found on it. Some individuals assume that because the water is in a large bottle not touched by anyone it has to be clean. While this is true, the area where the water goes through does get dirty as does the spigots and spill tray.

Our Star water cooler comes with an auto-sanitisation button, which ensures that all parts in contact with the water are sterilized as many times as you wish. Just press the button and the cooler does it all for you with no use for reservoir bags or chemicals.

To prevent the spread of germs, make sure everyone washes their hands before touching the spigots and that the mouth of their container doesn’t touch the spigot.

Office water coolers may be a place to visit as well and get plenty of great water to drink. However, it is important to do your part to ensure your water is clean and free of dirt, mould and bacteria. It is a good idea to talk to your boss about the importance of investing in an office water cooler from Living-Water.