You must ensure that you drink water regularly throughout the day starting off with a nice big glass full first thing in the morning to kick-start your system and to ensure that you do not become dehydrated.

Most people think that feeling thirsty is just something small, and do not realise just how much dehydration can affect one’s mental and physical health. The human body consists of around 70% water, and unless that balance is maintained, which can only be done by drinking water regularly, various organs will eventually just stop working.

Dehydration Causes:

  • The skin, which is the body’s largest organ, to dry out, lose its elasticity and suppleness, and appear to be older and more wrinkled than it is. Staying hydrated helps skin act as a protective barrier to the elements.
  • Energy levels to dip and result in fatigue, mood swings and the ability to think clearly. The body’s cells require water to optimise the production of energy from food, so if you are dehydrated, your body’s ability to produce energy is depleted.
  • Insomnia – dehydration affects one’s stress levels, resulting in tension and anxiety. It can also result in muscle cramping, headaches or dizziness which can affect your ability to sleep properly.
  • Productivity levels to fall – brain neurons require adequate hydration to maintain optimisation transmission of neurotransmitters, and even mild dehydration can result in headaches, fuzzy thinking, disorientation, the inability to perform mathematical calculations, and cognitive dissonance.
  • Kidneys are the filters of the body, and when you are dehydrated there is insufficient fluids for the kidneys to perform optimally resulting in toxins remaining in your body instead of being flushed – this can lead to many health problems.
  • Heart Problems can also occur as a result of dehydration because the blood becomes too thick to flow easily, resulting in the heart having to pump harder to push it through your veins, causing stress on your heart.

Bottom line – if you want to remain healthy and function optimally, drink water regularly throughout the day, every day!

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