Do You Know The Real Value of Water?Most of us know that water is important, that we need to drink water regularly in order to remain fully hydrated and in good health, but do you know the real value of water?

We know that water is life, and that nothing can live without it; not plants, not animals, and certainly not humans, but do you know the real value of water?

Do You Know The Real Value of Water?

Water is used in every facet of life, not just for our personal use:

Water and You

The average individual uses around 600 litres of water per day, which is around 224, 840 litres every year. Now although this may sound ridiculous, remember that water is not only used by us for drinking or preparing food, washing laundry etc. All of our food stuffs also takes water to grow and manufacture the food we eat and the beverages we drink.

In and around your home, water is used in various ways:

  • Around 17% for showering;
  • The toilet uses about 27%
  • Your taps drain 15%
  • The washing machine takes 22%
  • Miscellaneous needs 5% and
  • Leaks steal around 14%

Water and the Environment

Water is everywhere; it covers 70 % of the earth, and billions of litres are withdrawn every day on a global basis, which means that virtually every country will face water shortages within the next few decades:

  • Around 41% of water is utilised in the production of thermoelectric power
  • Irrigation accounts for around 37%
  • Around 5% of energy is utilised in the transportation, treatment and pumping of water

Water and the Economy

Water is the lifeblood of any economy; it is used for transportation, energy production, and manufacturing. It is estimated that around 20% of any economy would immediately grind to a halt without a reliable source of clean water.

  • Around 46% of water consumed is used in the production of products we purchase and use
  • Every job in the water sector creates around 4 jobs in the national economy
  • Every bit of money spent on infrastructure generates around six times as much in returns

Water and the Community

Water connects communities because we use it for everything and it brings communities together in various ways, especially in a recreational sense.

  • Schools use thousands of litres of water on a daily basis
  • Millions of litres of water are used by zoos daily to care for the animals
  • Sports teams, especially ice-hockey teams, use billions of litres of water annually
  • Individuals rely on lakes, rivers, streams, groundwater and underground aquifers and wells for their drinking water

Water is vital, water if life, and nothing can take its place, so we need to take care of this vital resource to ensure that there is sufficient available for a long time to come.

Rent water coolers or purchase water dispensers online from Living-Water. Read our water cooler blog for latest news and water industry articles.