Dr. Oz's Hydration TipsDr Mehmet Oz is a famous heart surgeon that has become more renowned since he started appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show and went on to host his own show.

According to Dr Oz’s Hydration Handbook, virtually every system in the human body needs water to function optimally, and we all need to ensure that we drink water on a regular basis in order to stay hydrated and avoid serious or even life-threatening medical conditions.

We are all living such hectic lives these days that drinking water is normally the last thing on our minds, and that is not a good thing. Sometimes we not only do not drink water as often as we should, but also miss the signs of dehydration which could lead to some severe problems down the road.

The Dangers of Dehydration

Not drinking water as often as you should will dehydrate your body and cause a number of problems, some of them small and some of them more debilitating and some even life-threatening:


When you do not drink water frequently your body will find the water wherever it can, including from your stool, which dries the stool out and causes constipation.

Dark Urine

Not drinking water as often as you should, will make your urine dark like black tea, which is not the colour it should be; healthy, hydrated urine should be the colour of lemonade.


Not drinking water regularly will make it hard for your body to distribute water to where it is needed, and this can cause dizziness when you stand or sit up because the movement causes the little water that is in your body to rush away from your heart and brain.

Dry Skin

If your body is dehydrated it will hold onto as many fluids as it can and the first place that it will grab water from is your skin. This will result in your skin getting very dry, less flexible or stretchy, and less plump.

Avoid dehydration by drinking water often, more so if you are exercising or it is very hot. Coffee contains water too but it is a diuretic (it increases the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water) so make sure you drink one glass of water for every cup of tea or coffee you drink. You can also add to your body fluids by eating fruit and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, celery, which also have high sodium and potassium content.


Dr Oz

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