Drink Water for Coughs and ColdsCoughs and colds are a fact of life for most individuals, especially in winter or when the seasons are changing and it is hot one day and freezing the next.

It is bad enough to struggle with a blocked nose, sore joints, a hacking cough, sneezing, teary eyes, a fever and all the other symptoms yourself, but when it is your child that is sick it is even worse. “Man-flu” is different story all together, and one which is best left for another article entirely (grin).

The average school child catches a cold between three and eight time a year, because the common cold is a virus that is spread by coughing and sneezing. The virus is expelled into the air when this happens, and those close by will breathe in that air, virus and all.

Drink Water for Coughs and Colds

Coughs and colds are more often than not caused by a viral infection. It has long been a standing joke that man has put people on the moon and can transplant most organs, clone living beings and fly faster than the speed of light, yet cannot cure the common cold. Yes, that is right, there is no cure for the common cold; it will generally just clear up of its own accord.

While there are many cough and cold remedies on the market, and just as many if not more old family remedies that have been passed down over the generations, there IS NO CURE for the common cold.

This does not mean that you can do nothing to help your cold get better or to make yourself or your child feel better. There are various steps that you can take with this regard:

  • Paracetamol can ease the headaches, aches and pains, and fever associated with a cold or flu;
  • Liquid Ibuprofen for children or tablets for adults will also help ease the symptoms;
  • Clearing the nose by sniffing a solution of saline water (just dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of common household salt in lukewarm water and add  a 1/4 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda so that the saline does not burn) will help clear the mucous and stuffiness;
  • Vapour rubs can be applied to the chest and back and some claim that applying it to the feet also helps;
  • While all of the above may help to ease the symptoms somewhat, the most important thing you can do for yourself or your child when the cold virus has struck is to drink water. Yes, drinking water helps the body to stay hydrated so that:
  • The mucous in your airways will loosen so that you can cough it up and spit it out;
  • The sinuses drain more effectively;
  • You protect the mucous membrane from possible infection
  • You feel cooler even though you may have a temperature

Another form of water other than drinking water is also good for colds and coughs, and that is the vapour that from a humidifier. Dry air will make you cough more, so ensure that you use a humidifier to add some moisture to the air in your home in order to breathe easier and prevent getting a stuffier nose and a scratchy throat.

Drink water every day to maintain the fluid percentages in your body; staying hydrated is important to your overall health. Drink water more often if you have a cold, cough or the flu, as it is the best thing next to sleep to help you get well.

Don’t just drink tap water though, as the tap water in many countries contains toxins that might make your cold, flu or allergies worse. The best way to ensure that your drinking water is pure is by purchasing a mains water cooler that has a filter at the juncture where it joins your municipal supply or a bottled water cooler that dispenses cool, clear, spring water of only the highest quality such as that provided by Living Water, London top water supply company for the past number of years. Living Water’s spring water that is used to fill their water bottles is sourced from a deep, underground source which has been filtered through the geologically famous Wenlock rock strata.




Mayo Clinic