Drinking Water is good for ArthritisWe lose water throughout the day due to breathing, sweating, urinating and various other means. When we do not replace the fluids we have lost it cause the balance of fluids in our bodies to become unbalanced. Without sufficient water our bodies cannot function correctly, as every single cell in the human body depends on water.

Water and Your Joints

One of the functions of the water in the human body is to keep joints lubricated so that they can move easily. Arthritis is basically an inflammation in the joint(s) and the breakdown of cartilage which normally cushions and protects the joints. Cartilage in the joint is made up of between  65 – 80% water.

When the cartilage breaks down, and there is insufficient to cushion the joints they rub against each other as you move, which can be extremely painful. Symptoms of arthritis cause include swelling, stiffness, redness of the skin around the joint, joint pain, limited movement, and warmth around the joint.

Arthritis and osteoporosis, has been linked to fluoride exposure, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Higher doses of fluoride ingestion can weaken bones and ligaments. One needs to remember though that it is the fluoride added to drinking water by governments that is the problem, not the drinking of water itself. Water is still the best cure for arthritis.

The Benefits of Drinking Water for Arthritis

Water is the lubricator, the universal solvent, the vital elixir of life to our body. Not one single cell in our body can operate at peak performance without it, and drinking pure water that does not contain fluoride, excessive calcium or other toxins is the best thing that we can do to prevent and even to cure arthritis.

  • Drinking water removes toxins and waste that surround arthritis-damaged joints and muscles affected by arthritis
  • Drinking waterhelps in relieving inflammation around joints and muscles
  • Drinking water is the best natural way to lubricate muscles and joints affected by arthritis
  • Drinking water cushions and lubricates joints and tissues, and keeps them elastic
  • Drinking water improves flexibility and resilience in joints and tissue
  • Drinking water keeps the joints from getting stiff and also ensures that the circulatory system works well

When we talk about drinking water to help for arthritis, we are talking about drinking pure water, and that means no tap water. A good way to ensure that you do drink sufficient water to keep your body fully hydrated and prevent your joints from getting stiff and inflamed with arthritis is to drink only water that comes from a good source such as a water filter or a water cooler.

Water acts as a hydration agent for the distribution of vital nutrients such as electrolytes, including potassium, sodium, chloride and bicarbonate to the joints.

Office water coolers and home water coolers are the best way to ensure that you drink enough water every day and that the water that you are drinking is pure because they filter out all the toxins. Water coolers offer chilled water virtually 24/7, and they are very accessible to all members of the staff or family, which encourages everyone to drink more water.

Some water coolers can be attached directly to the main water line, and a filter added at the connection, which ensures that the water that you drink is plentiful, pure, great-tasting, toxin-free, and chilled. Some of the bottled water coolers, which are portable so can be moved to a handy spot easily are filled with spring water straight from source and you can get no better drinking water than that.



Holistic Health Reforms