Why Drinking Water is Necessary for Your BrainThe human brain is about 90% water, and drinking water regularly is vital for optimal brain function. Your brain depends on good to function at its best, and when the balance between water and the other necessary elements in the brain requires is disrupted, it becomes less efficient.

According to various research studies on the potential effects of water on cognitive performance and mood, being well hydrated affected a person’s reaction times and helped them to think better and for longer.

One research study showed that those Participants who drank 3 cups of water just prior to completing the tests had a 14% increased reaction time if compared to those who did not drink any water prior to the test. Participants who were dehydrated also presented as more tense, depressed and confused

What most individuals do not know or understand is that one need not go without water on a desert island for a month for there to be negative side-effects; even mild dehydration affects one’s short-term memory and ability to focus. Dehydration also affected one’s ability to perform even simple mental calculations such as whether we will be late for an appointment if we have another quick cuppa joe.

Aging causes the human brain to shrink, but so does dehydration, and studies have shown that 90 minutes of continuous sweating without rehydrating can cause the brain to shrink as much as one year of ageing will.

Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water, start your day off with a nice big glass of water and drink water every few hours throughout the day so that your brain can send the electrical signals it needs to throughout your body.

Invest in a water cooler so that you have fresh, filtered, chilled drinking water at your fingertips virtually non-stop – your brain (and the rest of your body) will thank you.