How Much Water Should I Be Drinking Daily?Our bodies are about 60% to 70% water, which is vital as water moves nutrients through our cells, flushes waste from our bodies, regulates our core body temperature, and keeps our mucous membranes moist.

This water is spread throughout the body in the following percentages; our brains are 70% water; the blood is more than 80% water; bones contain 31% water; the heart is around 73% water; the skin is 64% water; our muscles are 79% water; kidneys contain around 79% water, and our lungs are 90% water.

Most individuals sweat out approximately two cups of water, or half a litre, of water per day; added to that we also lose around a cup merely by exhaling, and eliminate another six cups or roughly 1.5 litres every day. At a rough estimation, that is roughly 9 cups or 2.5 litres that we lose every single day that needs to be replaced.

More than losing just water, we also lose electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, which are vital to the regulation of the body’s fluids, and which need to be replaced.

While we can get some of our required bodily fluids from drinking other fluids and from eating water-rich fruits and vegetables such as peaches, oranges, watermelon, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, and berries, that should only account for around 20% of our daily liquid requirement; the remaining 80% needs to come from drinking pure water.

One of the easiest methods of ensuring that you drink sufficient water on a daily basis is to start your morning off by drinking a nice big glass of water first thing in the morning; it will break the dehydration cycle from the night and kick-start your day in the best way possible. Continue to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day and end off with another big glass.

If you do not like the taste of tap water or are put off by the faint chemical smell of it, then it might be a good idea to invest in a water cooler. A top of the range water cooler with a really good filter can provide you with clear, pure, great-tasting, chilled, filtered drinking water virtually 24/7, and because it tastes so great even your children will start drinking more water.

Contact Living-Water today for a free water needs assessment and a free quote on a top of the range bottled or mains water cooler.