Humans need to drink water to survive. Around 70% of the human body is composed of water, and when we do not drink sufficient water, the effects of dehydration can be devastating.

There is really no one quantity of water that humans should drink on a daily basis; your personal daily recommended liquid intake will depend on your own particular details such as – how much physical activity you are engaged in; your gender and age; the climate in which you live; general health etc.

The Institute of Medicine, however, has baseline recommendations of around 3.5 litres per day for healthy adult males, and around 2.5 litres per day for healthy adult females. Individuals who live in a hot climate or engage in a strenuous physical activity should increase this amount.

There are some really easy ways to ensure that you are drinking enough water regularly, such as:

  • Making it easier to reach for water rather than any other kind of beverage whenever you want something to drink;
  • Having a glass of water Instead of reaching for a carbonated drink;
  • Keeping a water bottle or glass of water physically present on your desk to act as a visual cue for you to drink water;
  • Using the alarm function on your phone as a reminder to drink water If you are the type of person who forgets about drinking anything until you are thirsty;
  • Preparing water in advance by adding some subtle flavours via fruit, veg or herbs and letting it infuse for a few hours. The presence of a pre-made bottle of flavoured water in your fridge will serve as a visual reminder to drink water;
  • Investing in a water cooler either in your office or at home, will encourage you and others to drink more water as it tastes so chilled and good, and seeing the water cooler also acts as a visual reminder to drink water.

Contact Living-Water for more information about our range of bottled water coolers and mains water coolers to enable you to make an informed choice about which water cooler would best suit your needs and budget.