How to Make Drinking Water FunDrinking water is boring and no fun, especially for children, who probably most need to drink water to stay hydrated, especially in the summer. I can’t really say that I blame children for not wanting to drink water when there are so many other great drinks available. The problem is that most of those fizzy, sugary drinks are no good for them at all.

Quite frankly, I must admit that even as an adult I find drinking water very boring; it has no taste, unless you count the taste of chemicals and the smell puts me off too. I do know, however that drinking water is essential for the human body to function optimally, so I got clever.

How to Make Drinking Water Fun

As someone who could never just drink tap water yet knew that I need to, I came up with a few ideas on how to make drinking water fun. It worked for me, and even my friends love these ideas when we are lazing around the pool.

It is not difficult to make drinking water interesting, it just takes a bit of creativity and innovation, and soon you and your family will also enjoy drinking water on a regular basis, which is good news for you and bad news for your doctor.

My secret to making drinking water fun is fruit infused water. One can either use a water infuser, which is a jug or pitcher with a separate area in which to place chopped fruit, allowing the flavours of the fruits to infuse the water without having pieces of fruit in your glass.

If you do not have a fruit infuser, you can just use a regular water jug and pour water through a sieve or just very carefully if you do not want the pieces of fruit in your drinking glass. Whichever method you choose, fruit infused water is very refreshing and healthy too.

This process can also be used to make herb infused water, such as mint water or rosemary water, basil water, or a combination of fruit and herbs for an exciting, refreshing summer time drink instead of drinking alcohol which will just dehydrate you even more.

Some great combinations to make infused water are:

  • Blueberries, black raspberries, and red raspberries
  • Blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, lemon, and lime
  • Cucumber and mint
  • Cucumber, honeydew, and mint
  • Cucumber, lemon, mint, and rosemary
  • Frozen berry medley
  • Frozen or fresh strawberries
  • Lemon and cucumber
  • Lemons and fresh mint
  • Lemons and/or limes
  • Orange and lime
  • Orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit
  • Pineapple and mint
  • Pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew
  • Raspberries and peaches
  • Strawberry and basil
  • Strawberry and lemon
  • Strawberry and lime
  • Strawberry, peach, mango, pineapple, and mint
  • Watermelon and basil

When using berries in infusion drinks leave them whole but score the skins of harder berries. Fruit such as mangoes, pineapples and the like must be skinned and cut into chunks; strawberries and citrus fruits must be washed and thinly sliced. Wash herbs and use them whole, leaves, stems and all.

If you have children, get them involved in choosing their favourite fruits and helping with the preparation of the infused water. Once they learn how to make drinking water fun they will enjoy drinking water more often, which is a bonus all round; cheaper and far healthier too.

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